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Are You Breaking These Universal Laws? 7 Universal Laws Every Witch & Spiritual Seeker Must Know

Writer: AvanjiaAvanjia

In both witchcraft and spirituality, the "Laws of the Universe" are regarded as fundamental principles or energetic truths that govern not only the physical world but also the unseen realms. These laws help us understand how energy flows, how intentions manifest, and how interconnected all beings and forces truly are. While interpretations may vary slightly between spiritual traditions, witchcraft, and metaphysical schools of thought, the underlying essence remains the same: these universal laws act as the framework for all creation, magic, and spiritual evolution.

1. The Law of Mentalism (The All is Mind)

One of the foundational laws found in Hermeticism, The Kybalion, and modern esoteric teachings is the Law of Mentalism. It teaches that everything begins in the mind — all that we see, feel, and experience is the result of thought energy.

In Witchcraft: This is why visualization, meditation, and mental focus are essential components of spellwork. A witch first "creates" or "forms" an intention in the mind before casting it into the universe. A spell starts in the mind’s eye and is infused with belief.

In Spirituality: This law reminds spiritual practitioners to maintain awareness of their thoughts and mental patterns, as these shape their reality. What you think, you become.

How to apply it:

  • Cultivate a daily meditation or visualization practice.

  • Be mindful of self-talk and repetitive thought patterns.

  • Use affirmations and mental focus to energize your spellwork.

2. The Law of Correspondence (As Above, So Below)

This ancient Hermetic principle states that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm. What happens on the physical plane is reflected in the spiritual plane, and vice versa.

In Witchcraft: When a witch creates a spell jar or a poppet, they are working with correspondences — herbs, crystals, colors, and symbols that energetically align with the desired outcome. These symbolic tools mirror and connect to universal energies.

In Spirituality: The Law of Correspondence helps practitioners recognize the patterns in nature and the universe, reflecting them in their own inner world. It teaches that we are connected to greater cosmic rhythms.

How to apply it:

  • Use planetary hours and moon phases to time your rituals.

  • Work with elemental and planetary correspondences in your spellcraft.

  • Understand that healing the self ripples out into healing the world.

3. The Law of Vibration (Everything is Energy)

Everything in existence vibrates at a certain frequency — from stones and rivers to thoughts and emotions. Nothing is truly still; all is in motion.

In Witchcraft: Raising your vibration is key to empowering magical work. Chanting, drumming, dancing, or burning herbs help shift energy, aligning you with the frequency of your desired intention.

In Spirituality: Spiritual practices often focus on raising one's vibration to connect with higher realms or to experience inner peace. Gratitude, compassion, and love vibrate higher than fear or anger.

How to apply it:

  • Incorporate sound into your rituals (singing bowls, bells, chants).

  • Use crystals and herbs to influence energy fields.

  • Mindfully shift your emotional state through grounding or breathwork.

4. The Law of Polarity (Duality)

This law acknowledges that everything has its opposite — light and dark, hot and cold, life and death. Polarity is not a contradiction but a balancing force.

In Witchcraft: Understanding duality is crucial in shadow work, baneful magic, and protection rituals. A witch respects both creation and destruction, knowing each serves a purpose.

In Spirituality: Many spiritual paths focus on embracing both the light and the shadow within. Wholeness comes from integrating both aspects.

How to apply it:

  • Practice both light and shadow work.

  • Honor both the waxing and waning cycles of the moon.

  • Seek balance in your magical workings.

5. The Law of Cause and Effect (Karma)

Every action creates a reaction, whether immediate or delayed. This is the energetic basis for karma and many ethical teachings in witchcraft.

In Witchcraft: This is aligned with the Rule of Three or Threefold Law, where energy sent out (positive or negative) returns magnified. It’s why many witches practice ethical magic, weighing the consequences of their actions.

In Spirituality: Spiritual traditions teach that thoughts, deeds, and intentions shape your path and future experiences.

How to apply it:

  • Be conscious of your intentions before casting spells.

  • Take responsibility for the energy you contribute to the world.

  • Perform regular cleansing and protection to clear karmic residue.

6. The Law of Rhythm (Cycles and Seasons)

Everything flows in cycles — the moon phases, seasons, life and death, expansion and contraction. This law reminds us that change is constant.

In Witchcraft: Many witches follow the Wheel of the Year, working with the Sabbats and Esbats to align their magic with seasonal shifts. The energy of each season influences spells and rituals.

In Spirituality: Spiritual practitioners often work with lunar, solar, and astrological cycles to harness the most potent energies for personal growth.

How to apply it:

  • Align your spellwork with the seasons (e.g., planting intentions in spring, releasing in autumn).

  • Observe your personal cycles (emotional, energetic) and honor your body's rhythms.

  • Use divination to better understand where you are in your current life cycle.

7. The Law of Gender (Divine Masculine & Feminine)

This law teaches that both masculine and feminine energies exist in all things, beyond physical gender. True creation comes from the union of both principles.

In Witchcraft: Witches often work with both the God and Goddess archetypes or deities, blending masculine (projective) and feminine (receptive) energies in ritual. Even within spellwork, there is a push-pull of energy that brings manifestation to life.

In Spirituality: Balancing the Divine Masculine (action, logic, structure) with the Divine Feminine (intuition, flow, creativity) is key to spiritual wholeness.

How to apply it:

  • Work with deities that represent both energies.

  • Balance action-oriented spellwork (masculine) with intuitive, receptive practices (feminine).

  • Embrace both your logical mind and your intuitive heart.

Why the Universal Laws Matter in Witchcraft and Spirituality

These universal laws are not just esoteric teachings; they are practical keys that allow witches and spiritual practitioners to work in harmony with the cosmos. When we understand and integrate these laws into our daily lives and magical practices, we unlock a deeper level of mastery over our reality.

Witchcraft is not about controlling external forces, but about aligning with the energetic principles that already govern existence. In doing so, we become co-creators with the universe, shaping our destiny with conscious intent.

Integrating the Laws into Your Practice

  1. Create rituals aligned with lunar, solar, and seasonal cycles.

  2. Perform self-reflection or shadow work to understand personal patterns.

  3. Use correspondences to enhance magical potency.

  4. Balance giving and receiving energy in your life.

  5. Keep your vibration high through gratitude, nature, and energy work.

The Laws of the Universe are ancient wisdom that provide a guiding map for navigating both the seen and unseen worlds. Whether you are a seasoned witch or new to spiritual exploration, returning to these core principles can deepen your connection to yourself, your magic, and the universe itself.

By living in alignment with these laws, you open doors to transformation, empowerment, and a truly enchanted life.

Blessings, Avanjia



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