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Signs & Omens Reading

Definition & Purpose:
The universe speaks through signs, synchronicities, and omens, offering guidance when we need it most. This reading helps you understand the meaning behind the signs you’ve been seeing, what messages they hold, and how they relate to your current path.


What This Reading Provides:

  • A PDF write-up interpreting the signs, numbers, dreams, or symbols you have encountered
  • Insight into how these messages relate to your life and current situation
  • Guidance on how to apply these signs for clarity and decision-making


What You Need to Send:

  • A detailed description of the signs, symbols, or synchronicities you’ve noticed
  • Any specific concerns or questions about their meaning



  • Your reading will be completed within 3-6 days and sent as a PDF write-up.
  • Need a Same Day Reading? An option is available in the Add-On section or at the top of the Reading Categories.

Signs & Omens Reading

C$39.11 通常価格
    Visit the FAQ section here:


    Orders containing comments related to suicide or self-harm will be declined, refused, canceled, or rejected. If you need someone to talk to, please contact:
    Suicide Prevention Service (Available 24/7/365)


    Important Note:
    By law, The Hour of Witchery must state that all ritual and spell workings/castings are for entertainment purposes only. Ritual/spell services do not replace professional counseling. If you need medical, legal, financial, or any other professional advice, please consult a licensed professional. Spells are designed to help manifest, guide, attract, and recover energies that may assist you. No spell is intended to cure or heal medical, legal, or financial issues.

    I do not provide marriage counseling, dating advice, financial advice, or health assessments. My role is to cast spells that support your intentions, not to provide professional guidance. Please maintain realistic expectations. Witchcraft cannot make you rich overnight or cure illnesses. For such matters, consult a licensed professional.

    Signs & Omens Interpretation | Spiritual Symbolism Reading | Decode the Universe’s Messages | Hidden Meanings Reading | Intuitive Symbolism Guidance | Mystical Signs Analysis | Divine Synchronicities | Cosmic Messages Reading | Fate & Destiny Reading

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